COVID Guidelines for Lutheran Campus Ministry at the University of Washington
Updated 10/27/2021
- We follow all public health rules and recommendations set forth by the University of Washington regarding gatherings, masking, food distribution, and vaccination requirements If a given situation is not addressed by the University of Washington requirements and guidelines, then we follow Public Health Seattle King County COVID-19 information and resources for King County, WA - King County.
- Events will be held outdoors as much as possible and practical.
- Meals will not be served family style until recommendations from the UW and/or Public Health Seattle King County deem otherwise.
- Communion/Eucharist elements will be handled by one-two people who have washed or sanitized their hands just prior to Communion. They will wear masks and gloves, and use individual servings and containers.
- If you are sick, please stay home. Return to activities as per the UW and/or Public Health Seattle King County. A courtesy message to Pastor Chelsea is appreciated.
Updated 10/27/2021